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A long year so far...

Writer's picture: sophotography4sophotography4

Hello my friends and followers!! It's been far too long since I've posted, but I'm trying to get back on track! Writing personal posts and putting myself out there is one of the hardest things for me to do. With so much sadness and negativity out in the world lately, it feels even more important to put myself out there and share my struggles with those around me. Maybe me sharing my story, and how I've "made it through" will help someone get through their own. This isn't a pity party or a totally negative post, I’ve also got some exciting news to share, so keep reading to find out!  I'll share some pics along the way, so you can see what my favorite little model has been up to!

giving momma my biggest CHEESE! face at the Zoo

We are only in June, but this feels like it’s been one of the longest years yet. So far, for me at least, this year had had a lot of hurdles to overcome and now that we are nearing the halfway point, I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve had my own personal health issues that I’m trying to overcome. I’ve struggled with various issues with my health over the years, nothing major and I won’t bore you with all of the details, but also nothing that my doctors have ever been able to diagnose... which is the worst. If you’ve ever suffered from chronic health issues, only to be repeatedly told that they can’t figure out what causes these issues or what they really are, you know what I mean. The good news is, I’m finally feeling like I’m making some progress there and with the help of my doctor and some newly available lab work, I may finally be on the right track to getting a diagnosis/finding out what’s causing all of these problems). 

In addition my health struggles, my son has never been a great sleeper and had been getting lots of colds and sniffles.  After a few visits with an ENT, he ended up with his tonsils and adenoid removed. Watching my little buddy in the post surgery hours was one of the hardest things I had to do, he was in so much pain at first and couldn’t fully understand what was happening. It was a rough week of recovery for us, it's very difficult telling an almost 3 year old that he needs to rest his voice, and he wasn't very pleased, especially when he was (for the most part) feeling fine. The pic below was just a few hours post surgery and you'd never even know that a few hours before he was in so much pain (sorry, it's a terrible iPhone pic, but that's all I had to work with in the hospital, was too stressed to remember my camera)! We made it through the recovery and it has made his breathing (especially at night) so much better, it was definitely worth it! 

being silly in my hospital bed! I'm such a trooper!

On to the more positive and exciting news: my husband and I decided to relocate our family to be closer to the rest of our family! This is so exciting for me, especially feeling like I'm finally able to focus on my business, now that I know I won't be going anywhere for a long time! However, it probably tops my chart of “what stresses me out this year” (I know, you’d think it would be all that medical stuff, but let me tell you - buying and selling houses topped that for me)! 

We had decided almost a year ago we’d move, and were working on fixing up the house to get it on the market. We just kept saying “we will put the house on the market when we are ready”, but projects can really pile up when you have a family... One day earlier this year we just made a decision that in April we were putting the house on the market regardless of what work was left to be done. That was in March... we had one month to get ready. It was the wildest month of trying to squeeze in as many home renovation projects as possible and packing/organizing to get ready for showings, and then finally listing our house in April. We had our house on the market for about 5 days before accepting and offer, and things got even more wild from there! Callen’s surgery was already scheduled for May 3rd and our buyers wanted a closing date of May 15th! The week after surgery, Callen had to be home, so that gave us a lot of time in the house to pack, but not much time to look for a new house! 

one of the rare times this year that my little buddy has willingly played model for me! 

Mother’s Day weekend was quickly approaching and we needed to be out of our house that weekend. The Thursday before, a great house in the perfect location was having an open house, and we didn’t want to miss the opportunity! We rushed out of the city after work and headed to Holliston, MA (also known as my hometown). At this point I had given up all hope of finding a house in Holliston, but this one felt like it could be the one! We fell in love immediately, but were very nervous about other buyers... the market in Holliston is very competitive and we knew we could likely be outbid, but we went for it anyways. On Saturday evening, during MANY trips back and forth from our old house to our new temporary apartment, our real estate agent called and told us our offer was accepted... I was in such disbelief that I had to pull over, I couldn’t contain the rush of emotion from the months of stress we had dealt with to get to that point (and might have been crying happy tears)! 

We were lucky enough to have family to stay with during our 3 week gap in housing, which went by a lot faster than I expected and brought our son much closer to my aunt and uncle (which was the main point of this relocation)! We lived on a farm in Mendon for those 3 weeks, which was so incredibly different from our life in Lynn, but in an amazingly good way! We were closer to family and so many of our friends (though we miss our friends from the North Shore area)! We had to go through 2 daycares during our moving time, but our little guy was a champ and handled all of the transitions well. 

Finally, on the last day of May, we closed on our house in Holliston and have been getting settled since then! We are so close to my parents and in laws and I am so thrilled that Callen will have his family close by! 

just out hunting for Easter Eggs

I only decided to launch my business last year and already had to take a step back because of life... and that really stinks. I hate feeling like I’ve not only let myself down, but I’ve let down my clients and followers. It’s that feeling that I’ve “given up” after working so hard to get here... it’s easy to stay in a negative headspace and it would be even easier for me to throw in the towel, but I am not going to do that. This year has been hard, but it’s all been working towards our family moving, which is why I needed to take that step back, because I knew that after this move, I’d be in my “forever home”. Now that we're settled in (errr... more like still settling in) I'm ready to focus on my clients and personal creative projects again! I'm excited to start putting myself out there to new clients in my area and trying to make a name for myself out here! 

Thank you all for your patience with me during this time! I really have missed posting regular updates on Facebook and sharing myself and my work with you all in my blog posts. I've had a few recent sessions and have a few more coming up, and I couldn’t be more exited! Stay tuned for sneak peeks from all of those sessions!

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Lifestyle Family, Senior Portrait, Headshot & Branding Photographer located in Holliston, MA and servicing Metrowest, Central Massachusetts and the greater Boston Area. 

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